Annual Conference Materials

Document files


Please contact Michigan Conference Events Planner and Annual Conference Executive Team member Nancy Arnold

Everything you need to be prepared

Voting materials, legislation, equalization members, everything you need to prepare for annual conference can be found here for review or download. 

2020 Legislative Program Guide and Ballot

Arriving in your mailbox between July 14 and July 23.  Please contact Conference Registrar if your copy has not arrived during this time.  Please note that the registration links and ballot have been redacted in this version.  Please contact Conference Registrar to receive those links.

2020 AC Legislative Guide Cover
Click image to download

Memorial Service Book

In memory of those we have lost in the past year.

AC Facilitator

Rules of Order/Plan of Organization

The 2018 Annual Conference adopted a plan of organization for the new Michigan Conference. They contain the Rules of Order that govern our time together at Annual Conference. 

Voting Results

The final results of the items voted on at the 2020 Virtual Annual Conference. 

Resolutions to the Annual Conference

Voting items presented to the Annual Conference will be posted here. These were the original resolutions received. Due to the virtual format, resolutions were withdrawn and those to be addressed at Virtual Annual Conference are included in your Legislative Guide.

2020 Annual Budget

Budget presented by the Conference Treasurer and the Council on Finance and Administration for review and vote.

Nominations Report May 29, 2020

Those nominated for conference leadership in the coming year. This report will be presented during the Virtual Annual Conference Plenary on July 27, 2020, and will be included for approval on the mailed paper ballot.

Michigan Clergy and Lay Equalization 2020

Per Discipline, an equal number of Clergy and Lay Members attend annual conference.  This document reports Clergy and Laity equalization numbers for 2020 and explains the numbers.

Volume 1: Historical Reports

Reports from Boards, Agencies, and other United Methodist related organizations.

Statistician Report

Reporting from all local churches. This report will be brought for a vote of acceptance at Annual Conference.

Appointments Sheet

Ministerial Appointments Sheet for 2020.

Annual Conference Schedule

Outline for Plenary days.

Corporate Session Documents

Disaffiliations/Withdrawals as of July 1, 2020.
*Click on the name to view the withdrawl agreement. 
1. Shabonna (View signature page)
2. East Boardman
3. North Adams

Church Closings
1. Owosso Burton – June 30, 2019
2. Ubly – September 30, 2019
3. Muskegon Unity – December 31, 2019
4. Mulliken – March 1, 2020

2021 Legislative Report

The Legislative Report includes the consent calendar and reports from each legislative committee.

2020 Michigan Annual Conference